Tuesday, December 31, 2013

The Heavens are God's Billboard. Are We Watching?

Very valuable information, that I encourage you to read, involving our world right now. Some may dismiss this information, of course but the truth is, its already been written. 

The first of the four blood moons will occur between April 2014 and October 2015,  these signs are mentioned in the bible in the book of Acts.

 Nothing else needs to happen in Bible Prophesy for the Rapture to take place. They are a sign for us to see that its closing time for people on planet earth and all its inhabitants. I strongly recommend all who are willing to hear and listen to the signs of the endtimes. This is not a joke!! NASA has already explained that this will occur starting in 2014.

God established dates of the 7 Jewish Feasts in the Bible, to include Passover and Sukkot. NASA is telling us there will be Four Bloods Moons with an eclipse of the sun that will happen in sequential order. NASA is estimating that the eclipsed sun will surface on March 2015. This date in history is when the Israelites were liberated from Egypt's bondage.
It is significant. The moon in Judaism is a signal to Israel, while the sun is a signal to the world. The prophet Joel is saying that these signs in the Heavens are a message to the world and Israel.
Joel 2:30-31 - "I will display wonders in the sky and on the earth, Blood, fire and columns of smoke. "The sun will be turned into darkness And the moon into blood Before the great and awesome day of the LORD comes.

In Acts, Peter, an avid follower of Christ, says exactly the same thing: Acts 2:19-20 - And I will grant wonders in the sky above and signs in the earth below; of blood, and fire, and vapor of smoke:

In Joshua 10, Israel was attacked by 5 Kings who were trying to destroy the Jewish people as they were leaving the bondage of Egypt and making their way to the Promised Land. Joshua and Israel were winning the fight but they needed more daylight to defeat their enemies. Joshua spoke directly to the sun. (I love this! and think of the immense faith this took!) Joshua spoke directly to the sun and he told the SUN to stand still....and the Sun obeyed. (If you have never heard this story, feel free to look it up, Joshua Chapter 10). The Sun stood still until the people of Israel had won the battle...God has "total control" over the sun and moon. They both stopped (sun and moon) till Israel won the battle.

Here's another example: Hezekiah was visited by Isaiah on his deathbed. Isaiah told Hezekiah that he was going to die, but Hezekiah wasn't ready to go. So he turned his face to the wall and prayed, reminding God of how faithfully he had served HIM. And God honored Hezekiah request. Isaiah told Hezekiah that his life would be lengthened by 15 years.

Hezekiah asked Isaiah what sign God would send to let him know that which he had spoken was true. He asked if the sun should go forward 10 degree or backward 10 degrees. Hezekiah said, it would be easy for the sun to go down: the sun sets everyday. So he requested that the shadow of the sun go backwards 10 degrees. This again is "total control". So Isaiah cried out to the Lord and the Sun reversed its tracks. (This story is found in 2 Kings, Chapter 20).

The amount of time that Joshua required for battle and the amount of time Hezekiah requested to reverse the sun were exactly the same. God balanced the clock. That's Control! God is now sending OUR generation a signal.

1948 was the year Israel was reborn. God gathered the Jewish people that had been scattered through the Diaspora in one of the greatest miracles in human history.

1967 was the year the City of Jerusalem was reunited with Israel for the first time in 2000 years. Jerusalem is where Christ was born, crucified and raised from the dead and where HE will return to set up HIS Eternal Kingdom. This will be an earth shaking event, four blood moons for the 3rd time in over 500 years. No one has announced but NASA has recorded it.

All of these event center around Israel and the Jewish people. And Israel, my friends, is still the apple of God's eye. No Nation will move Israel from the map.

"These moons began with tears of tragedy and will end with unspeakable triumph!"

People should get ready for world-shaking event that's going to happen very soon. This is not to frighten anyone, but to awaken all who love the Lord, and to rededicate yourself to him. He is the only way out. I'm just a person living day to day like everyone else. I work, go about my business as normal as i can, but i read and study every night to find the things i need in order to better understand Jesus return to earth. This is happening very soon, which means these are the last signs of Christ's return.

God doesn't debate HIS existence, HE declares HIS existence. 
I encourage to check out a an amazing sermon, about the four blood moons from one of my favorite pastors, John Hagee right here:


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