I pray you've been encouraged from the content here at Memoirs of a Virtuous Woman. There are countless young women that are thirsting for the love of Christ to fill their soul. I'm realizing that more each week as I share encouraging words.
As Memoirs of a Virtuous Woman continues to flourish, I would like to provide more resources and expand its content into a free mobile app. This app would be available on your smartphone and tablets. Within it I would like to incorporate featured articles, encouraging alerts, podcasts and more resources, just for you-real women seeking real stories by others on the same journey. Currently, I'm saving towards these goals. However, if you're led to help in my efforts, by sowing into Memoirs of a Virtuous Woman, it would greatly be appreciated.
This vision I have for the words I've written and the words of he contributing writers that are on this journey with me are huge. Sometimes, I'm amazed at how much this has grown. Sometimes, I sit in complete silence with an overjoyed heart, after reading emails from young women about how words here impact them. I tell myself constantly, "Danielle, its all proof of what God Almighty can do with our testimonies. Now continue to let him use you!"
He's amazing! And I hope you've experienced his unchanging hand.
So as I continue to seek God on this journey, I would like for you to support below as you desire. More importantly, pray for me as I continue reminding other young women they aren't alone on this journey-the narrow path.
Love and blessings,