That was the question of an article I chose this blog topic from titled, "Words from a Father to His Daughter from the Makeup Aisle."
So, where are you the most beautiful? On the inside? Or on the outside? What has society made you believe about the essence of true beauty? Is it bound within the self-conscious makeup aisles or within the strands of your latest extensions?

Prayerfully, I hope its deep within your soul. A soul submitted to Christ rather than the desires of the world. There have been quite a few times, that I've heard from the mouths of young women how they just weren't happy physically with themselves so they spend hours in the mirror, painting a canvas of beauty on their face overlooking the reflection of what God has already blessed them with. Or other young ladies that have it embedded in their minds that longer hair with do society justice as well as themselves.
Yes, I wear makeup myself but not to an extent where it defines me. Ladies, when will there become a time when you're comfortable with yourself whether it be the skin you're in or the roots of our hair?
As I write this, I'm reminded of 1 Peter 3:4 that says, "Rather, it should be that of your inner self, the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is of great worth in God's sight."
Ladies if you're reading this as woman in the body of Christ but still dealing with insecurities physically, I encourage you to remember your goal is to turn the hearts of others to Christ with your beautiful spirit, rather than turn heads with materialistic desires for yourself. Someone that you may call plain Jane may have the best spirit in the world versus a young lady with a horrible attitude with a face of model. Of course, everyone wants look and feel nice, but those things are only temporary, just as the things of this earth. Make-up shouldn't define who you are. The best concealer in the world for a woman is her soul, redeemed and bound in Christ.

Pursue God's kind of beauty. Stay encouraged ladies.~Danielle
beautiful article..i think this article has changed my outlook towards make up..thanks for writing
ReplyDeleteYou're absolutely welcome! Beauty is always found on the inside. Never let the world tell you differently. I appreciate you reading! Stay encouraged and continually blessed