Monday, October 13, 2014

The Great Disguise: Delilah

Real.Virtuous. Just a plain "good" girl.
Photo Credit:
 Contributing Photographer
Karial Ret 

We've all heard it. Young women claiming to be real with little to no knowledge of an actual real woman. The idea only sounds good to some women and they aren't willing to work hard to exhibit those characteristics, which leave them to become the epitome of Delilah. First of all who is Delilah?
She's the woman mentioned in the book of Judges who Samson falls in love with. Now before you acknowledge your sweet sentiments, Delilah was the reason for Samson's downfall as she she allowed the Philistines to learn the secret of his strength. Now, you're asking who is Ruth? Ruth is the only woman in the bible, mentioned to be virtuous. She was faithful, hardworking, steadfast, and many of you know her as the wife of Boaz.

 Recently, someone shared with me an article titled, "Really Negative Women of Proverbs." Some of you might say, what negative women of Proverbs. Because you've only paid attention to the verses of pertaining to Proverbs 31. In other words, you've paid attention to the good and dismissed the bad, like many Christians who look for sugar coated messages and dismiss the messages of God's wrath. But sadly, there are too many Delilah's of the the world disguised as Ruth's of the kingdom.

So who are these women?

First of all, the foolish woman. 

"Folly is an unruly woman;she is simple and knows nothing."~Prov. 9:13 

This woman surrounds herself with gossip. She's selfish and refuses to listen to the wisdom of others that may lift her better heights. This woman has to have the last word and she blames her shortcomings on others. She's constantly, caught up in the things of this world rather than striving to strengthen her knowledge of the God's word. 

Secondly, the promiscuous woman."My son, give me your heart and let your eyes keep to my ways, for a prostitute is a deep pit and a wayward wife is a narrow well. Like a bandit, she lies in wait and she multiplies the unfaithful among men." Proverbs 23:26-28 Another scripture that I'm reminded of pertaining to the promiscuous woman is from Ecclesiastes:"I find more bitter than death the woman who is a snare, whose heart is a trap and whose hands are chains. The man who pleases God will escape her, but the sinner she will ensnare."~Ecclesiastes 7:26

Many of us see this via social media everyday. Half-dressed women, not knowing any better, fishing for "likes." Or maybe they do know better but they insist these photos are cute. But in reality they're only being lusted after. Its not cute ladies.

Next, the quarrelsome woman."Better to live on a corner of the roof than share a house with a quarrelsome wife." Proverbs 25:24

One of the many things my dad taught me was the importance of my words to others. Who wants to be around a woman filled with bitterness and anger? No one. Ladies if you desire marriage one day, know that your future home should be a home of peace for your family. The world tears us down each day. Home is the last place anyone wants wrath to reside.

So, how can these women, grow into the women of Proverbs 31 and Titus 2? First she must seek God first in all things. She should speak faithfully to others. She should know true beauty. Remember physical features fade but a gentle and quiet spirit remains forever. Also, stay humble instead of prideful. Above all, she serves God wholeheartedly, instead of living to please others. 


  1. Beautiful! I pray that God's Word touch the woman who needs to hear this message. Much Blessings to you!

    1. Thanks so much Myra!! I appreciate you reading! I'm glad God has placed it on my heart to start this blog. I'm faithful that other women will benefit from it greatly.
