It was on my brain, as I prepared to present my stories. Part of my brain was excited to tell someone's story from that day, another part of my brain was hoping that I told the story the right way, and yet another part of my brain was hoping that I remembered every line at the beginning of my script. To sum it all up, I was thinking entirely too much! I was practicing what I had to say in my head repeatedly to the point where I would obviously stumble if I wasn't careful.
I say all that to say that I was letting fear get to me. I wasn't thinking that if God had brought me to this point of having this opportunity then he would surely guide my words in front of the camera. As always the devil knows how to creep into our minds but we have to know how to become stronger and overcome his tactics. I had to tell myself God is up there and remember 2 Timothy 1:7 in the back of my mind as I was talking. Outside of being a journalist and wanting to tell others stories right, I wanted to just do everything right. The problem with that is, we're not perfect and even if we stumble its a chance for us to do better. I can honestly say, I've always been my own biggest critic. If anyone could disect me best, its myself. However, everyday is a chance to do better whether stumbling or not. I've always been taught that but sometimes I have to remind myself in times like that in the past week. I'm not sure who may benefit from these words but if you're worried about something, just as anything else remember God is up there working his miracle as your working in your career or school.
"Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid." - John 14:27
This also applies to someone who is afraid of a new venture in their life- a new location in your life, simply changing from the norm to something different. With God you have the spirit of power over the enemy. Remember if you're in Christ, he has the last word. He orders your steps and protects you.
"Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path."~Psalm 119:105
Lastly, Isaiah 41:10 tells us, "Fear not, for I am with you."
Stay encouraged!~Danielle
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