Saturday, February 28, 2015

You're the Daughter of the King. Do You Know Him?

I'm glad you've made your way to this post for "Memoirs of a Virtuous Woman."Before we go any farther, I want you to know despite what you've done or how you feel about yourself, Jesus loves you and he wants you to be part of his kingdom.  Now, I would like to ask you a question and as you answer, I would like for you to be completely honest with yourself.

Do you know Jesus?

I mean, do you really know him? If you're reading this blog you're probably a teenager or young adult. Lets think back to when we were kids. Our parents, "made" us attend church every Sunday. It wasn't an option to be sitting in a church pew on a Sunday morning. Instead it was a requirement.  But how many of you how strayed away from that teaching? How many of you have went to college and ignored Sunday's only to sleep in or continue your homework? We've heard many of our friends say, "Yeah I'm a Christian, I grew up in the church."

But the real question is, do you know Jesus? Are you still "in the church?

Sadly many can't answer that without shrugging their shoulders and starting their answers with, "Well....I..."

Take it from someone who has been baptized twice-when I was fifteen and again at the age of eighteen. I'm now twenty-six and when think back to the first time I was baptized, I want to lower my head in shame. But because of God's grace I rejoice of his forgiveness. You may ask, why twice? Simply because I wanted to be RENEWED. My love for what Christ had done for me grew deeper than ever before. The things I know now I didn't know then. The things I deemed ok, I find disgusting now. In fact, our flesh is disgusting and the conviction we feel as Christians is real. When we begin living our lives accordingly, we see sin as something we want no part of. Of course as Christians we fall short, but we shouldn't continually practice sin.

Now back to my question. My prayer is for anyone that comes across this blog to know Jesus. He's everything our lives need. I would encourage you to follow his plan for salvation as shared below.


1. The great love of God for man  (John 3:16)
2. He gave His Son, Jesus Christ, as the Saviour (Luke 19:10)
3. Sent the Holy Spirit as a guide  (John 16:13)
4. Gave the Gospel as "the power" unto salvation (Romans 1:16)
5. Provided atonement by the blood of Christ (Romans 5:9)
1. Hear the Gospel. (Romans 10:17, John 8:32)
2. Believe the Gospel ( Hebrews 11:6, John 20:31)
3. Repent of past sins  (Luke 13:3, Acts 17:30)
4. Confess faith in Jesus Christ  (Romans 10:10, Matthew 10:32)
5. Be Baptized (Galations 3:27, Mark 16:16, Acts 2:38)
6. Be faithful unto death (Revelations 2:10)

After baptism, we should be a new creature in Christ, living this journey as faithful unto death. I would like to remind you that this road isn't easy. Some like to think once we're baptized, its a picture-perfect life. There are still trials in our paths but there's joy at the end of our faithfulness when we here him say, "Well done thy good and faithful servant."


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