Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Getting In Position with Your Purpose

Photo Credit: Contributing photographer
Shelby Steckbaur
For more of Shelby's work visit
There have been many times where I've heard from others, "I don't know what I want to do with my life." "This degree...my future...5 years from now, or what kind of job I want."

Hearing those words sadden me.

Why? Because there are so many of them that are miserable in their jobs because it wasn't in God's plan for their life to begin with. The only reason why they're sitting at that desk as the lawyer is because of their parents or influence from friends who told them, "Hey maybe you should do this...or "Our family has a history of lawyers." But at the end of the day, that person comes home more miserable than the last.

They're not spending time with the Lord to discover exactly what their purpose is so they settle. Or maybe they're aware of all the gifts the Lord has blessed them with and they decide not to use them.

If you're reading this right now. I have three words for you:


Get in position with your purpose. Find out what part in the body of Christ you're playing a part of. I can guarantee you that part is HUGE.

Each of us have been put on this earth with a purpose and its important that we find that purpose instead of settling for things that don't make us happy or push us to being better than we were yesterday.

And don't get it twisted, your purpose isn't trying different things every single day and never sticking to it. Your purpose is filled with consistency. Spending time with the Lord is the only way you'll figure that purpose out. Not engaging in conversations with friends that tell you things you should do, just because they're doing it. Its not meant for you to lean onto their understanding, your understanding but only God. He directs all your steps.

I love to see people going after what they're passionate about instead of sitting back saying, "I was going to do that"....

Instead make it happen. Your first task is to pray. Be led by God and trust me he'll reveal to you the purpose you should tap into.


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