Saturday, March 21, 2015

Love Is...God is Love

"Love is...Patient. Kind. Does Not Envy. Does Not Boast. Is Not Proud.Is Not Rude. Is Not Selfish. Is Not Easily Angered. Keeps No Record of Wrongs. Does Not Delight in Evil. Rejoices in Truth. Always Protects. Always Trusts. Always Hopes. Always Perseveres. Love...Never Fails"~1
 Photo Credit: Contributing Photographer,
Shelby Steckbaur
For more of Shelby's work visit 
Corinthians 13:4-8

As mentioned before in a couple of previous posts, this site is filled with reflection and growth. None of desire to be the same person we were last year or even yesterday. So as the saying goes, "When you know better, you do better." Right? And the above scripture can be placed in various areas of our lives whether it be friendships, family, or relationships. Yet, this post focuses on relationships. I ask you, what is love? How do you express love? What is the true meaning of love? There are many of us that have said the "L" word prematurely, not knowing how powerful it really is, making things very complicated in the long run.

When I think of love at this point in my life, I know that its exactly how Christ loves us. Several years ago, that probably wouldn't have been my answer. Instead if would've been very vague and delusional to be 1 Corinthians 13:4-8. My answer wouldn't have been pleasing to God because he knows I deserve better. It would be an answer of me expressing my soul to someone that didn't even see Christ's love for themselves. Ladies how can a man love you without loving Christ first? He can't! If he's not in a covenant relationship with our Savior he doesn't understand. It took me awhile to realize that, but thank God for deliverance and protecting me from things I didn't need.

                                                Love is Patient. Love is Kind

We've all heard the phrase, actions speak louder than words but in this case I believe they both speak equally. Words can destroy our spirit. I'm reminded of be slow to speak and quick to listen. If you're being called everything outside of a child of God for no reason, that isn't love! Be kind to each other. Have patience and recognize patience or lack of. Never allow anyone to pressure you into something, in which you prefer to wait. Patience is a virtue.

                                       Love Does Not Envy, Boast, Nor is it Proud 

Pride is something that is running rampant in our society right now. How does effect you? Is there something in your relationship that you should be doing but you'd rather not because of selfish pride? When it comes to boasting, be humble instead. Being humble is one of the best qualities you could have. Humbleness, goes a long way in all areas of our lives.

                                 Love is Not, Rude, Self Seeking or Easily Angered

Again, be slow to speak and quick to listen. Also respect is key in everything, so treat others as you would want to be treated in a courteous manner.

                                             Love Keeps No Records of Wrongs

I'm sure you know by now that Christ doesn't hold our past against us. But instead, when we're in him, everything is new. Unfortunately that isn't the case on earth. We're surrounded by those that hold grudges and love to resurface your wrongs when you think you've both moved on. Forgive! Forgive as Christ Forgave you!

                                                  Love Does Not Delight in Evil

This one, is a big one! All of these are important but this one should put into perspective of how everything else is established. Why? Because discernment is key! Knowing if someone or something is good for you or a drain for you. Brief example, two years ago while struggling to make a decision about a young man I'd been dealing with, I'd prayed to God to free me from the chains of someone that did nothing but drain me physically and emotionally. After praying, I assume there was a part of me that didn't want to listen to God, concerned of what was next. Instead God made sure I would hear him loud and clear, in a dream I had of snake. In fact this dream was the scariest dream I'd ever had, waking up just before being bitten. Confirmation? Yes. Because everything I was going through at that time was embodied in the dream. Had I not listened to God, that bite could've been real.

                                                      Love Rejoices with Truth

One of the biggest things that bothers me in someone are lies. Be honest with each other, no matter how much you think the truth hurts.

                                                  Love Always Protects and Trusts

Ladies its never good to be in a state of helplessness with someone that just doesn't care about your well-being. Maybe that person gets joy out of calling you names or abusing physically and mentally. Again, how can someone love you, if they don't love Christ. A man should love you as Christ loves the church. As far as trust is concerned, you should be confident in the decisions the other person makes. Be confident that they are led by God in their decisions. Again, discernment is key.

                          Love Always Hopes. Love Always Perseveres and Never Fails

Forget what your friends say that may be bitter. Love always hopes. There's always hope in love. Anything outside of that are lies from hell. In this earthly life we live, we make things so complicated when everything we need to know is in plain black and white in scripture. Of course, we're going to go through obstacles but when it comes to love some of us willingly place ourselves in situations that will pain us. Love God's way. There's no other way.


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