Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Modesty Doesn't Come at a Price

For the most part I've always the girl that dressed in a classy way. Short skirts and
low tops were never my thing. Especially low tops. Seeing any part of my chest exposed, entailed me putting that shirt or dress by on the store's rack.

But unfortunately everyone's not like me. There are some girls that aren't insecure about exposing their bodies. Instead they expose their bodies because they're insecure or want attention from men or females that they're jealous of or simply don't like. Whatever the case may be, that's not of God.

Women with that mindset are being led by the flesh, not the spirit.

Dressing modestly is something some women really don't understand. Some don't understand that its causing men Christian and men of "the world" to stumble into lust. They don't understand it shows a lack of self-respect for themselves. They don't understand low self-esteem is exposed. They don't understand they're insecurities are revealed one by one accounting for the layers of clothes missing.

1 Timothy 2:9-10 tells us, "I also want women to dress modestly, with decency and propriety, not with braided hair or gold or pearls or expensive clothes, but with good deeds, appropriate for women who profess to worship God." 

I absolutely love this scripture but it also tells us that expensive materialistic things shouldn't matter to us. So, ladies stop trying to break the bank to impress people that you want to make like you or give you some sort of recognition. Stop spending on things you can't afford to look like everyone else. Be a trendsetter not a follower.

As far as dressing modestly is concerned if you're having a hard time, I would first suggest going through your closet and getting rid of clothing that you know isn't spirit led. Also, know what types of clothes work for your body. No, we don't want clothes hanging off of you but you also don't want clothes that are too small, hugging your body.

Again. think classy.

If you're on a budget, make your first shop thrift stores and go from their.

Remember modesty doesn't come at a price but dressing immodestly does and that price is degrading comments and pure disrespect from others.


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