Tuesday, March 10, 2015

There is a Cost to Belonging to Him

I read a book called "The People Factor"
written by Van Moody and if I took nothing else from it these words have resonated with me for the last few months. “Anything not associated with the purpose God has put inside of you has to be removed. 

See we often try to bargain with God but there is no bargain when it comes to God’s purpose.”

Sometimes I think we take for granted how much God truly loves us and in Him loving us He protects us from people, places, and certain things because He knows it will kill us. When I say kill us I don't mean physically but spiritually. Sometimes God is protecting us even if we are oblivious and because we belong to Him. He has to put us back on the right track even if it hurts.

There is a cost to belonging to Him, it means if we are out of His will, he will intervene on your behalf. He will redirect you because He made a promise. We can’t bargain with the person who created us, and who breathed life into our soul; the One who created us for His purpose. It’s so hard at times to understand this but it is best that we internalize it, when you belong to Him he will see to it that even at your lowest he sends the Holy Spirit and angels to protect you.

So if you are hurting right now from any situation or circumstance in your life, understand that God does love you and He is protecting you because He sees the end result of who He has created you to be. 

About the author: Nikita Annette Haynie.  Addicted to all things positive and uplifting.Nikita is a Georgia native. She's 28 years old. and currently works as an academic advisor at the University of West Georgia. She loves God and making a difference in the lives of young women. Her words to live by are, “So I perceived that there was nothing better for human’s beings but to enjoy what they do because that's what they're allotted in life. Who, really, is able to see what will happen in the future." ~Ecclesiastes 3:22


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