Saturday, April 4, 2015

Becoming Free...Move On to Live On

 The following was contributed from LaShonda Thomas as a reminder to
every young lady that doesn't see her value and resides in memories of an ex that only harms her. For every young lady that continues to dwell in dead relationships this is for you. This is for the young lady that thinks better will not find you. Daughter, you are worth more than you settle for. God is Love. Nothing less. Rise and free yourself. 

As I was going through my memory book to find a pic for TBT (throwback Thursday), I came across a letter my ex husband wrote me. At first I thought it was from another ex, my first love, until I began reading the contents of it. The letter took me back to a place when I was at my lowest. There were times I just felt like giving up. But God, MY GOD, had His hands on me.

He had, and still has, something in store for me. I still had work to do. To my knowledge this letter was the last piece of physical evidence of that time. I only have the memories in my mind. One day those will be gone.

As I think of who I was then and who I am now, I'm so thankful. I'm so thankful that I continued to move on, to hold on and just go forward. There's so much for me to do and I have only just started.

I don't know what's in store for me but I'm grateful to still be here. The enemy thought he brought someone in my life to take me out. But instead my God showed him just how powerful He was.

All he needed was a mustard seed of faith and I gave it to Him. I'm graciously blessed and so are you my sisters.

~LaShonda Thomas


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