Wednesday, May 13, 2015

But First Let Me Take a Selfie...A Spiritual Selfie

Obviously in a technology driven world, we're bound to see selfies on every social media timeline or a display of "followers" that most of you are trying to impress. It seems as though we're living in a time of self-absorbness and makes me think of the scripture 2 Timothy 3:2 2. Not only will people become lovers of money, boastful, proud, abusive, disobedient to parents, ungrateful, unholy as scriptures states but also lovers of themselves.

You're probably thinking, Danielle please! You're seriously thinking too deep! But seriously, it seems as though as a society that reaches for their phones or selfie sticks more than we reach for our bibles to change our internal selves.

Ladies you're snapping away for the perfect selfie, but not willing to keep turning the pages of your bible after you don't understand scripture. With scripture, you're not asking for wisdom, so you give up but a selfie deserves more of your time. Where's the eternal reward in that?

                                                                     ABSOLUTELY NONE

I'm not here to spoil your fun because yes I have a few selfies of my own. But what I am here to do is discuss how your spiritual selfie can look a million times better than your physical selfie if you focus and zoom in a little tighter.

To begin taking a look at your spiritual selfie. Ask yourself, what does your mind think about each day. Evil or good thoughs? Mark 7:71 tells us "For it is from within, out of a person's heart, that evil thoughts come-sexual immorality, theft, murder."

The next analysis of your spiritual selfies is your time. How are you spending your time? Is it spent doing things that are worthless? Are you spending enough time with God each day to better your relationship with him. Remember a flower without water withers. The Lord wants our relationship with him to thrive. So in essence, less time attached to your phone and more quiet time meditating on his word.

Lastly, your words. What are speaking to yourself and others? Are you speaking life or death? Ladies does gossip continually flow from your tongue about others behind your back. Or those of you that may be married, are your lips always filled with rage?  Our words or to bear GOOD fruit NOT rotten fruit.

I'm not sure about you but the idea of creating a spiritual selfie God is pleased with surrounds Psalm 51:10 as the scripture tells us "Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me."

Be encouraged!~Danielle


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