Friday, July 10, 2015

He Lives...God's Not Dead

Tonight i watched the film, "God’s Not Dead (I know I'm late). I loved it! 

So much so, i just have to share my notes/thoughts. As those who have seen my recent social media posts, I'm not selfish with the love lessons God has shown me. These are just my thoughts and opinions and I hope it touches someone.

The movie is about a christian boy having to prove that God is not dead to his peers of nonbelievers. I noted particularly the reference to Matthew 10:33 “But whoever disowns me before others, I will disown before my father in heaven” (NIV). 

This wrecked me. I thought of the statement to whom much is given, much is required. I am required that as blessed as i have been, I need to share God’s word. Disowning God doesn’t just have to be just non-belief; it can come in several forms: doubt, fear, etc. 

Tweet: The world's views are like a cancer. It infects & spreads to an ultimate end. One that doesn't have eternity. @memoirsofavirtuouswomanTWEET THIS: The world's views are like a cancer. It infects & spreads to an ultimate end. One that doesn't have eternity.

The decisions (free will) we make today have consequences. God gives us this free will, so once we choose him, we have chosen heaven, free of evil. We all say “buts”, “maybes”, “ifs”, “well’s”, on the word of God. So, imagine if you get to the gates of heaven and God says “well” didn’t live for me… I never knew you. That is the ultimate crushing fate.

Would you be ok with hearing that? God gives us daily, hourly, to choose him. We are not to believe and be confused, distracted, lied to by the devil that god is not for us. However, we are hurt by rough relationships, love ones passing away, annoying jobs, loss of money, no weight loss, failure in classes, sicknesses, etc.… the list goes on… 

God proved his love for us by being nailed to a cross that he would die for every sin we could ever commit. search your heart for your priorities in life? Is it of God? I urge myself and you to water our relationships with god; anything you water and nurture will grow. the risks (unpopularity, relationships ending, bad habits gone) is a choice we make. To follow that free will to honor God and it will be rewarded in this life, but ultimately, most importantly, on judgment day. trust in god’s will, have patience and wait on his best for you. 

He will fill any void you have in your heart. That discontentment you have can’t and wont be filled by a man, money, car, clothes, drugs, sex. 

God is waiting on us to give him our undivided attention. any prayer, time, love you show him

I'm sure those things put the biggest smile on his face-proud of us turning to just him.  

Where do you find your hope? Joy?

Live your life to the fullest. Let God’s joy fill your heart. You will be tested, if you really believe but trust and believe God’s will is bigger and  better than anything we can imagine!! 

Excited?? Lets Go! 

About the Author: Xavier Johnson is a graduate of North Carolina A&T SU (AGGIE PRIDE!!!). She is a new resident of Colorado, working as an engineer but can't forget that she is a Georgia girl at heart. Xavier is a firm believer in Jesus Christ. She is really working on truly being a follower; there is a difference! Daily, she looks to die to her flesh and pick up God's mindset for her life. Xavier is also starting a new blog called Devoted Diva, in which she is promoting being BOLD for Christ. All of the entries on there and the ones submitted to Memoirs will be a reflection of her journey towards a stronger walk with Christ. She truly hopes that someone is touched, changed and welcomes God in their hearts to stay after reading any of her personal revelations. Love Always. God Bless!


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