Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Broken Vessels Turned...Beautiful Vessels

Most, if not all ladies want to get married someday. I for one dream of getting old with the love of my life and retire in a nice, quiet neighborhood near the sea.
The reality however, not all women will walk down the aisle or have the privilege of bearing children. Sadly we live in a fallen world. Some might wake up and find themselves in the shoes of Leah, trying so hard to please a man who is in love with another woman. Some like Anna find themselves single and devoted and serving God all the days of their lives or maybe you find yourself 16 and pregnant like Mary. Maybe you have never found validation from within, you have a deep void and thirst that you have tried quenching by hopping from relationship to relationship like the woman at the well and you are still thirsty. Just maybe you have decided marriage ruins things and you live with a boyfriend. The woman at the well did that too.

Just maybe sex is just a game you can relate to Rahab the prostitute, every man knew the way to her house even the Israelites locked outside the walls of Jericho knew how to find her. Some are like the woman with the issue of blood, a disease or physical disability has pushed you out of the courtship scene and you have no hope for marriage. Maybe like Tamar you are a victim of rape, a greedy and selfish man took your most valuable gift and your dreams and energy were shattered. Let us not forget Rebecca humble, beautiful and loved by Isaac, when it comes to dating and marriage you are blessed in every way. Good news is there is redemption and hope for everyone despite who you are in Jesus. All broken vessels can be beautiful vessels, when mended by the delicate hands of Jesus.

Our lives are different, we run different races. I don’t expect you to live the way I live but I can certainly tell you in whatever you do, in whatever season you might be may the grace and the will of God abide. May you find fulfillment and joy. All these women, their lives were different whether tragedy or happiness they were used by God for His purposes. They were part of God’s master plan to redeem the world. Whether it’s the desert or promised land praise Him, there is purpose in pain. May your pain serve Him, may your challenges minister to a sister, may your blessings empower the young and may there be joy and contentment in every heart. He is faithful. You are His heartbeat, His love is steadfast, gentle and sweet and He loves you profusely and He wants to use you, yes even you. You are a vessel of honour! 

About the Author: Constance Mutekeri is a  23-year-old pharmacy student and blogger at Scarlet Romance| Deeply Loved by Jesus. She enjoys writing and teaching the word of God . Constance is also the president of Reading University Bible Study Society.


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