Tuesday, August 25, 2015

God is Simply Amazing!

I received a subtle reminder of why I strive daily to live for God. Is it easy? Nope! Can it be uncomfortable at times? Most definitely!!! Do I fail at it, sometimes? Yep, most days!

What I am learning is that it is IMPORTANT for me to allow the HOLY SPIRIT to LEAD me; I’m not supposed to try to lead the HOLY SPIRIT. I have the tendency to get ahead of myself…to make decisions without consulting God…to take my life into my own hands, forgetting that this life is not my own. I realized that I needed to take a FEW SEATS BACK…to FALL BACK…to PUMP the BRAKES

In all honesty, it was time for me to be reminded of a few things, like:


Anytime, we try to take matters into our own hands and start to depend on ourselves, we will always find ourselves in a place of confusion.  It is so easy to lose sight of God’s plan for your life when you take your eyes off of him!   

This Christian journey is not meant for us to walk it alone, which means God is always there to help guide us and keep us on the right path.  All we are REQUIRED to do is SEEK his COUNSEL.

This came to me one morning when I was listening to Pastor Riva Tims and Majestic Praise song entitled Incredible God.” This song is such a beautiful, worship song and the message is simple yet profound. The lines from “Incredible God” that touched my spirit are as follows:

‘Who placed the stars in the heavens 
and who set the sun and the moon in the sky?
The Incredible God.
Mountains bow down before you
Seas roar at the sound of your name.
The Incredible God.'

While worshipping to this song, I was reminded of why I serve God. Why I strive daily to be pleasing in his sight. Why he’s the head of my life and why I am completely in love with him.

To be honest, this song gently reminded me of why I can't give up on God. It helped me understand why I can't give in to the desires of my flesh. It provided me with clarity on why I must press towards the goal. The lyrics to this song reminds us of the great God we serve! See, even when we do wrong, he loves us. He sent his only son to perform the ultimate sacrifice God is omnipresent-all powerful gracious incredible. It’s not about what he has done for me  or what he’s doing or what he’s going to do.
           I praise him…
           I worship him…
          I love him…
           Simply, because of who he is…

It's true...If God doesn't do another thing for me; he has already done enough!!!

Let us continue to keep god first and allow the holy spirit to lead us on this spiritual journey!

1 Chronicles 29:11:
'Yours, Lord, is the greatness and the power
and the glory and the majesty and the splendor,
for everything in heaven and earth is yours.
Yours, Lord, is the kingdom;
you are exalted as head over all.'

About the Author: 
Lauren Ashley is a believer of Jesus Christ; he's her everything! Lauren is just trying to make the best "Convicted: Living Life with Daily Convictions." To read more encouraging words from Lauren, visit www.dailyconvictions.blogspot.com. 
of this life's journey and tread on the path God has created for her! She currently has a blog entitled,


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