Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Our Virtues Series: From Porn to the Pulpit, Interview with Danielle Williams McCord

The following interview is part of Memoirs of a Virtuous Woman's Our Virtues Series, that highlights women of influence in the body of Christ. This story from Danielle Williams McCord, gives hope in
the midst of darkness. Being introduced to stripping, prostitution, and the porn industry as a teenager, her story allows you to know and remember that God Almighty is always waiting on you to turn towards him. Be encouraged by her story of incredible strength of grace and self-worth.

Briefly tell readers about yourself? 

I am a ton of things. I've lived a full life before the age of 30 and I don't think God is nearly done with me yet.

As a young girl, you faced traumatizing events, one of which was molestation. There may be someone facing molestation or has in the past but is keeping silent. What would you tell them?

 I would say to someone who is or has been molested to SAY SOMETHING AND TELL SOMEONE. I made the mistake of keeping it a secret out of fear and unknowingly that thing turned into a monster called anger and bitterness which fueled my fire and influenced certain behavior. So please I repeat please let it out and tell someone, anyone; and know that it was not your fault.

In your book "From Porn to the Pulpit" you also share as part of your story a time when you were beaten by your father, raped by a neighbor, and introduced to stripping. How have these moments of your life impacted other women that you have spoken to throughout the years?

 My experiences have definitely influenced and impacted other women because there's something about my story that unleashes their pain that has been hidden for years. I have chosen to put my life, my flaws, my pain, and my past on the front line to help other women be free.

 What was your turning point to give your life to Christ?

I didn't get saved in a church. No Pastor put oil on my forehead and laid hands on me. I got saved in a dark dirty basement. I knew my life was coming to an end, but before I could fully give up on myself and let that man kill me, I had an ounce of strength to pray. I prayed like I never prayed before and I said Lord if you get me out of this I'll change my life for you just don't let me die. God heard my prayer and I'm alive to tell the story today.

Tell us about your ministry "A New You Ministries"

A New You Ministries is based on the scripture 2 COR 5:17 which is not only my favorite scripture, but it's a testament of my story. If any man be in Christ he is a new creature, old things have passed away behold all things are made new. What better scripture to have on your heart as a constant reminder that no matter what I used to do or who I used to be. I'm a new person in Christ my old mess no longer defines me.

Many think being a Christian is full of sunshine after giving their life to Christ, allowing them to want to give up.  How have you handled trials since giving your life to Christ? 

 Being a Christian is not easy at all Jesus Lord have mercy! It's not easy but it's worth it. The world didn't give me anything, but shame and embarrassment, trials and tribulations. When I was in that basement I made a vow to God and I plan to live up to that for the rest of my life even when the road gets rough.

What would you tell the young women reading this that may not know her worth and searches for it in all the wrong places? 

For every woman who looks for love in the wrong places will still never be fulfilled. No man can fill your void unless his name is Jesus. You don't have to compromise who you were made to be just for a man, attention, or money. You're so much more than that.

To learn more of your story, where can your book be purchased?

 My book is available on Amazon.com and BarnesandNoble.com. My bio and booking information is on my website www.anewyouministries.com I'm also on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.

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