Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Are You Misjudging Others?

As many I am sure know, have heard of the common phrase, "Never judge a book by its cover." 

When we enter our local bookstore, we tend to gravitate towards the more bold covers that grab our attention. Sadly in certain circumstances when you open the book, the pages do not seem to quite match. While on the other hand, the book with the more plain cover that most would pass up, could in fact have had a colorful interior. 

But I ask, why is that? Why do we gaze upon and are attracted to what is eye catching rather than what is truly beneath? 

I can answer this question with one simple word. 


We judge one another when it is not our job to do so. Only The Almighty God who reins above us is worthy of judging us, his creation. No human being has that power over the other. 

For example, Psalms 58:11. 

"Surely, the righteous are still rewarded; surely there is a God who judges the Earth." 

Continuing further, I gather to introduce the ending pages of the first book I have written by the title of, "Internal Possession". 

"Personally speaking, a human being to me is very comparable to a book. Some have tough hard covers, some soft paperback. Each and every one of us has a cover also known as a story. The famous phrase (stated above), "don't judge a book by its cover" I find to be extremely accurate. Many people have the tendency to sadly do so, not bothering to even open the book. Even the selective few who do, sometimes only skim through the pages and fail to read thoroughly between the lines. We are all quite different but yet in some odd way the same. For we do have feelings, whether plentiful or minuscule. They still reside somewhere, somehow deep sow inside. A person and their feelings need to be respected and cares for, not bashed or humiliated. Instead of trying to "fit in" with this twisted society of not caring, extend a helping hand. Kindness is free and you never know the impact you may have." 
I wrote "Internal Possession", a year ago when I was eighteen years old. It is composed of poetry I had written during my unpleasant depression of many years. Mainly stemming from multiple traumatic incidences I have been through in my young lifetime. Thus, as I say in the beginning, I am a fighter and I learned that I can conquer this war. And so can you. 

In the traumatizing aspects and never ending misjudgments that presently occur in this world, we can continue to be pure women of Christ. To love one another and be there to extend a warm helping hand to another in need. With a clear conscious and the positive energy of accepting others, we can TOGETHER, slowly turn things around one step at a time. 
About the Author: Tayler Hirstius is a full believer in God and was born and raised in New Orleans, Louisiana. She is currently an author and is pursuing her journey of dreams and to inspire. 


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