Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Why I Don't Celebrate Halloween

For what does righteousness and wickedness have in common? 

Absolutely nothing.

As a child and teenager, horror movies were one of my favorite types of movies to enjoy. Now as an adult, I have nothing to do with horror movies or anything that supports Halloween, and yes that includes what was one of my favorite childhood movies, "Hocus Pocus."

Horror movies, or anything in support of Halloween  doesn't sit well with my spirit anymore. There's an unsettling feeling, so I choose not to watch. The same goes for Halloween. Society has condition our minds to think that Halloween is harmless to our children and harmless to ourselves. I totally disagree and if its the Lord's will, when I have children I would prefer that they not masquerade around in costumes on October 31st for candy. Some say you're thinking too deep. But in reality why would a child of God, a child of light want anything to do with a day made my man as a day of darkness? Why support this day?

I recently read an article on Charisma News, "Why Christians Should Absolutely Not Celebrate Halloween" and I totally agree with every reasoning why. As stated in the article, Halloween is sacred to Wiccans and with that said, as a born again Christian that witchcraft is unacceptable in the eyes of the Lord. Secondly, it sends mixed messages to children. Yes, you have candy and your cute princess costumes but again you're still participating in a day that represents evil.

The following quote from Charisma's article, I absolutely agree with, " A Christian celebrating Halloween would be like a Satan worshiper putting up a nativity scene at Christmas while singing, "Happy Birthday, Jesus!" The two just don't go together.

If you continue to think that Halloween is just harmless fun or a bunch of  "Hocus Pocus" then I would advise you to think again and remember that God's word tells us that we have been called out of darkness and into the marvelous light of Christ.

As for me, I choose not to give Satan the time of day. I choose not to let him for a laugh of something that's actually a little more deeper than society thinks it to be. I choose not let him think that his agenda is OK with me because its absolutely not.

To read more of the article from Charisma News, click HERE.


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