Sunday, June 22, 2014

Little Girls With Dreams Become Women With Vision

Recently, I began teaching creative writing workshops for Girls Inc. of Dothan, Ala. Maybe you've heard of the organization from other cities. Needless to say, it stands for something great for our young girls.

Even though, I've done one class so far, the feeling of inspiring our youth is awesome! I'm grateful for the opportunity and of course I'm looking forward to the rest of the classes this summer. It really took me back to the days when I was a child with a pen in my hand and dreams in my head.  I'm aiming to make these classes flow with a purpose-a purpose of believing, achieving, and most importantly thinking outside of the box. 

I'm sure you would like to know the activities that I planned for them, during our first lesson. So, first on deck was self-esteem combined with fiction and nonfiction writing. Prior to our class, I came up with 50 questions that could be used as writing prompts (each relating to self-esteem) After typing those questions up and printing them. I cut each one into individual strips and placed them in a jar.  During the class, the girls would reach in for their own question and write accordingly. There answers from this activity were amazing. Some of them shared their fears, hopes, and memories. 

Afterwards, I allowed them to pick between two story prompts. 1.) I dream of________ (job, home, school, pet, ) or 2.) Diving into the past and reflecting on their greatest memory with family, friends, school, and if there was a lesson learned in those memories. 

Both story prompts allowed the girls to think outside the box, while either using their imagination and creating a future of their own or sticking to their own lives in a world of nonfiction. 

It put a smile on my face as I walked across the room, to see that the girls were writing paragraph after paragraph of wonderful stories. Not only that but after each activity they were eager to share, raising their hands before I could get my words out. After the class, was over each participant wanted me to keep their stories for myself. I'm sure I'll look over these and smile knowing that I've made a difference in a child's life with words, even for a small moment. For the most part my goal was achieved for our first lesson. The girls were honest about their fears, hopes, dreams, and concerns of the future. There's no doubt in my mind, that my gift to write, wasn't for me alone, but to inspire others that dream of a future as bright as the sun. I've been blessed and I just want to let my light shine to be a blessing to others. I also encourage you to do the same on your journey.

"Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God's grace in its various forms."~1 Peter 4:10


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