Saturday, June 28, 2014

The Forgotten Woman of Titus 2

How many times have you heard a woman mention she's a Proverbs 31 woman? Whether on social
media or from your closest friends? But, how many of these women really understand the portrait of the Proverbs 31 woman? Better yet, how many of these women, know that her journey doesn't stop there, instead its just beginning and should flourish into the portrait of the Titus 2 woman. It amazes me how I see so many quotes about being a virtuous woman, yet no actual knowledge of the concept if you ask a young lady.

I began thinking about this post when I entered one of the classrooms at Girls Inc. to teach my creative writing workshop. For the most part, the experience teaching these girls has been great. I'm definitely using a gift I've been blessed with for the right purpose.

Before entering the classroom, I noticed several scriptures arranged creatively and bright on the door. Of course, that made me smile. Because obviously, its not everyday you see scriptures in the same vicinity as students. I already admired this organization for what it stands for, as a place outside of school, where girls can continue learning educationally and referring to our Lord and Savior makes it all the better! While teaching the class, I noticed a scripture on the board from 1 Peter 1:25, but the word of the Lord endures forever. And this is the word that has been preached to you." While helping one of the girls with their activities, I referred back to this scripture to show her the meaning of the word endure. You're probably wondering what does this have to do with Titus 2. Well for me, these classes are more than just a creative writing class, teaching the elements of poetry and storytelling. Its teaching with a PURPOSE. A purpose of leading these girls into women of far beyond confidence, but of faith.

Honestly, before beginning my lessons, I was thinking how can I ease my faith into my lessons. After all, my Lord goes with me everywhere, how could I not include him into an opportunity he's blessed me with? (Matt 10:33) It wasn't hard, because my faith was already welcomed at the door.

And the purpose of this post is to inform those that may not know, that being a Titus 2 woman is training younger women unto biblical standards. As we get older, we learn and its only right to lead by example and teach the path for our younger generations.  You may say, "Oh you're still young. How can you teach in the manner of Titus 2?" Well, the answer to that is, I may not be old but with anything you're striving for, you conduct yourself as if you already are in "that" position. For example, when attending a job interview of course you want to walk and talk the part as if you have the part. The same applies to Titus 2-Walk It. Live It. Teach It. The journey within the pages of Proverbs 31 are leading you there. Start your transformation now. There are many young girls and women out there that need your wisdom. Open up and mentor the teenager that may mimic Proverbs 7, whose trying to forget her past and live up to the expectations of the virtuous woman of Proverbs 31. Mentor the young believer, that has just accepted Christ. Encourage the young lady in high school or college, in the midst of many trials and tests of life.  There are many older women that have done the same for us and its only right to set our selves aside and get on our knees to pray for our youth and reach out into our families and communities to help a young lady, facing the same things we've faced.  The Titus 2 woman deserves a pedestal alongside the Proverbs 31 woman, showing just how great generations of women can be, if we continue to teach by being. And by teach, I mean teach from a biblical perspective.

Stay encouraged and remember the Proverbs 31 women of today are the Titus 2 women of tomorrow.


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