Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Dear Freshman Girl Desiring Pleasures of "The World"

Some say, "there's nothing wrong with with a little bump and grind" but in reality there's A LOT wrong with it and unfortunately many college bound girls will face that harsh reality as
they enter the beginnings of a new journey all around the world. A time of new experiences, friends, classes, locations-a time of freedom! For most freedom, for the first time in their lives. That freedom can be filled with nervousness or it can be filled with the desires to be wild outside of parental supervision. Either way, its a time of a change with big decisions on the path ahead of you. Along that path, you can either stray away from God's word and promise or you choose to stay on the narrow path. 
"Narrow is the path, that leads to life & only few find it."~Matt 7:14

If you're reading this and you're a professed Christian, I get it-you want to have fun. But having fun, can turn into more than you bargained for if your fun involves the pleasures of the world. Remember you body is a temple! I know its easy to get off track, if it weren't I wouldn't be writing this. Simply because I remember my freshman year as if it were yesterday, filled with innocence but unfortunately life brings us tests. The purpose of this post is to show you how to stay on the right track of keeping your promise to God, concerning your bodies. I honestly look back at the things I deemed "ok" and I'm disgusted by those things now. 

There's a reason why sex was meant for marriage and that's to protect us from detrimental soul-ties. I want to encourage you not to feed your fantasies with your boyfriends, not to listen to your friends that whisper to you how great sex is, in order to make you curious. Trust me, its not worth it. However, if you're one of those young women that have bought the hype, there's still another chance and God is the same God he's always been. He's a merciful God, so never be afraid to kneel and ask for forgiveness. Stay in his word and I promise he'll reveal things beyond what you've imagined. Trust me when I say, conviction is real. I'm not telling you what I heard, I'm telling you what I know and there's absolutely no person on this earth that is worth sinning your soul to the pits of hell for.

 I encourage you to stay away from the idea of friends with benefits. Stay away from the games that are meant to string your heart along the way, that you on the other hand think are cute. Once you've given up something so precious that belongs to your future spouse to a boyfriend, it will always be expected of you. So remember, don't start something that you can't finish so easily, to desire love at the end of the road. While you're thinking love, he's thinking lust. Stick to your standards! Know you are worth the wait! As always, you're urged to pray for discernment, in order to identify counterfeit people that enter your life. Those that take advantage of you, targeting you for sex and could care less about your mind or heart.  After you've read this post, search this blog for two other related posts, I've written titled, " The Unbearable Weight of Soul Ties" and "Have You Killed Your Flesh." 

"Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your body."~1 Corinthians 6:19-20

Stay encouraged and don't give up fighting the enemy!



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