Monday, December 1, 2014

An Open Letter to Single Daughters of the King

Dear gracious, intelligent, and beautiful sisters,

Maybe you're 21, 25, 18 or even the same as I, 27.You could even be older but the most important thing is, you're humble, hardworking, focused on Christ but there are a couple of things you wish would filter out of the minds of those that are close to you: Your future. More specifically, your future in dating or marriage.

Its the holiday season and I know once returning home from school or work family members and old friends place the spotlight on you at the dinner table asking-Are you dating? When are marrying? What happened to so & so? You two were so cute? If you're like me, you'll push all of these questions to the side and simply say you're waiting on God's timing. Afterall, you're leaning not on your understanding of the season of singleness you're in, but his. His timing is perfect!

I hope this letter isn't dragging but I simply want to remind you that the season you're in is a setup for a greater season ahead. To some of you it may seem like a season of loneliness but how can it be lonely when you have your heavenly father to to hold on to. I'm always reading quotes and I came across one of which that said, "Dance with God and he'll let the right man cut in." Very true in the sense that God won't send anyone worthy your way, until you're ready. My sisters just as you're preparing yourself for a deserving man, he's preparing himself for you. Both of you are praying, preparing, and running closer to God and I can assure you, only good will come from your faithfulness in Christ. Now, if you're a young lady that's reading this and wondering what should you be doing in this season, I would advise you to refocus all your attention on Christ.Focusing on being the right woman. There are many women that that constantly say, "Men are no good!" "The good ones are taken." when they should be asking themselves "Am I a good woman?" "Am I worthy?"

In your season of singleness, while growing in faith be a blessing to other women: volunteer, serve, mentor. Share the wisdom you've gained. As I mentioned before in my blog, the Proverbs 31 women of today are the Titus 2 women of tomorrow. Live it. Teach it. to instill better qualities in the generations to come. For a closer look at the Titus 2 woman, read the post "The Forgotten Woman of Titus 2."

Flee temptation. Yes, we've all sinned and come short but its not too late to continue your journey on the narrow path. I would encourage you during this time to remain in celibacy or purity. No matter what you've been told, God's word always prevails and sex is safer and better in marriage.

Also, one of the things that I encourage all single young women in Christ to do is write a letter to your future husband. I've done this myself last year. This letter is kept in my bible in the pages of Proverbs. It entails my hopes, dreams, and thoughts of him. One day you'll be able to let the man God has for you read those letters you wrote to him, long before you even knew he existed.

One more thing ladies, never neglect the wisdom of those older than you. Yes, those older ladies in the church that you think you nothing in common with. You have plenty in common with them. I, myself, love talking to older women. Maybe that's why I don't completely act my age. But seriously, listen to them, They've lived what you're living and want nothing but the best for you.

As, I close this letter, I want you to remember there's a purpose in your season. Be thankful for that purpose and be wise in your season, making sound decisions based on God's word only. Remember patience is a virtue. Never settle for situationships, only a godly relationship. Yes, I know there may be some around you that are in a different chapter than you. But you can't base your chapter off their chapter. Stop comparing. Stop dating randoms and start living for God. I know this may be hard for some of you but God is always there to guide you with his unchanging hand of love. He's your true first love. The man, he has for you is only borrowing you for a moment on this earth. Continue to be blessed in your season, preparing for the season that's greater than what you could imagine.



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