Thursday, December 4, 2014

Why Worry? Where's Your Mustard Seed Faith?

It's December-the end of a semester for some of you. For some, you're stressed about grades,for others you're stressing while searching for your next career opportunity. Or maybe you're
down to your last dime, with nowhere to turn wondering if you'll make it to the next month. It doesn't matter where you fit in this list,all that matters is for you to refocus your attention on God's outcome over your situation. Stop worrying. I know it sounds easier said than done but what has anyone ever gained from worrying? Only wrinkles, a headache, and a wasted day of open opportunities but more importantly a day spent without worshiping God for what he's already blessed you with.

Trust me, I know I've been in the same situations from stressing over college exams to job searching. In fact, 2 years ago during this time of the year I was desperately searching for a job in my field of journalism. I had several interviews since August of that year, but no job as the year was coming to an end. I've never been a quitter so I was determined to keep the faith but there were those smallest "what if" moments that my mama stopped me in my tracks to say, "Danielle,don't you know God is up there? Stop worrying!" During those smallest moments, the devil wants us to feel defeated. But we have to remember everything works together for those that love God.

In my moments of worry, I knew God would prevail but I didn't know when. I wanted him to show up on my time. My patience was dwindling because I'd worked so hard beyond graduation. I'd came to far to look back. I'm sure that's how many of you feel when studying for an exam that could make or break your semester. My story mentioned above is only a very small example of me completely walking on faith to get to the point I'm at today. You'll here more as they become related to topics on this blog, but for now I would like for you to stop the tears and smile because God is setting you up for something incredible. Remember this road isn't easy. Its filled with piles of mud to walk through and unexpected mountains to climb. While writing this, I'm reminded of how the Israelites complained and worried on their journey to the Promised Land.

Remember,1 Peter 5:6-7 tells us to humble ourselves and cast all our cares in him. Trust him and pray for peace. Again, he wants us to be happy in him not bombarded by stress. Stress only leads to bigger issues with your health. Find your mustard seed of faith! Trust me, when you're down to the very end, that faith allows God to show up and completely show out over your life. He did it for me and he'll surely do it for you.

 "Jesus said, Come to me, all you who labor and are heavy laden and overburdened, and I will cause you to rest."~Matt. 11:28


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