Monday, December 22, 2014

Curvy? Skinny? Stop Wishing You Were Her!

Skinny is beautiful! Curvy is beautiful!
You're all beautiful!

"I wish I was her size"...

"Why can't I be skinnier?"

"I hate skinny girls." 

"She's bigger than me. Why can't I have her curves."

"Maybe I should eat more."

"Oh no! I've had too much. I'll never lose weight!"

Thoughts many of you stash in your minds everyday when you're eating or not eating properly. Why can't you be like the next young lady that walks past you? Why is it so hard for you to lose or gain weight? You're never content. You're always comparing your body to others. Why? Ladies isn't it time to stop comparing and be content? Insecurities and jealousy isn't of God so why are you entertaining both of them.

Growing up I was always a skinny girl and now as an adult I'm still petite. It wasn't until my latter years of college where I was content with my size. Before then, I thought that maybe I should gain weight. The problem-I couldn't! I have such a high metabolism that its not possible. Maybe my family doesn't understand that because every time I come home there maybe someone that says, "Child, you need to gain some weight" or there may be others that I've known for years saying, "You're still little and cute as always." Now that, I smile because they understand as I that I'm perfectly made by my heavenly Father. So, as an adult I absolutely love the skin I'm in. I take great pleasure in knowing that I basically still look younger than I actually am, because I take care of myself.
"Charm is deceitful, and beauty is vain, but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised."~Proverbs 31:30

Ladies I want you to know that you're amazing in your heavenly Father's eyes. You're not what magazines tell you. You're not what your friends tell you. ( Remember friends are to speak life into you. If not, then its time to exit that friendship). You're not what anyone tells you but yourself. If you allow negative thoughts about your appearance float in your head everyday. Guess what? You're negativity will show on the outside, leaving you with a face of gloom. I want you to smile and be content in your body, no matter what size you are. Our temples were all made differently. Our job is to nourish them properly as God wants us to.  Again, stop comparing! Stop feeding yourself junk to gain weight or stop starving yourself to look like America's Next Top Model. Know your worth in Christ. To read more on body image I encourage you to read my blog's post here, "Free. Favored Beautiful Soul." 

College Days at Troy University
High School UCA Cheer Camp
"I praise you, for I am fearfully and  wonderfully made. Wonderful are  your works; my soul knows it very   well."~Psalm 139:14
2014: Speaking to Kids
of the Southeast Ala.
Diversion Center


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