Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Open Wounds? How to Overcome Hurt...

There was a time that I wasn't the person I am now...

There was a time when my smile masked internal tears...
...leaving room for those tears to flow on my pillow at night.

Now, I've overcome that hurt, nearly two years later after having a talk with God about guarding my heart. You're probably wondering guarding my heart against what? Well, obviously what most of you are going through at this very moment- being involved with a man that God had no intention of you being with. Someone that drags you through the mud day in and day out. Someone that takes full advantage of you. Someone that's undeserving of the husband benefits you're giving to them. Ladies I have one word for you, if you're in any of these situations.


Yes, I know it seems easier said than done. But trust me, it can be done and must be done! If not you're allowing yourself to be open to more wounds and a connection to ungodly soul ties that become more tangled than you can imagine. I only say this, because that girl was me. Being young and experiencing just a tad bit of freedom at 18, I fell for a guy that eventually treated me like the dirt under his shoe, after I'd been there for him through anything you could imagine. What did I end up with? Absolutely nothing! It was a lesson paid for not only with my heart but with stolen innocence, money, tears, and conviction from God, that allowed me to make up my mind that I didn't want anything to do with man not after God's own heart. I definitely had to take a step back and realize that giving my self away mentally and physically was NOT what God wanted from me. Needless to say the conviction was real and heavy on my shoulders.  After years of investing my heart into someone I thought would do the same and thinking I would mend my heart awhile later with yet another "boy" that was just another snake in the grass stringing me along, I finally said that's enough! You would think during the time I would have saw red flags in both of those situations and listened to God. But I didn't. I didn't learn my lesson, the first or second time of guarding my heart. Ladies the point of this post is, there has to be a time where you make up in your mind that you don't want to be hurt again. That you would rather save your body and heart for your future husband, not "randoms" as my favorite speaker, Heather Lindsey would say.

You're probably asking how do I overcome? How did you overcome years of hurt? Easy-Surrender everything to God. Stop running to your friends that you think have expert advice and start casting all your cares in the one that knows you best-God Almighty. Realize your worth in Christ. You're the daughter of the king. Believe it or not, I was called everything but a child of God at one point from a guy because I wouldn't do as told. Ladies you're special and random guys that aren't serious about you (but serious about ruining you) shouldn't be getting close to you. When you truly realize your worth, you'll begin to let go of some guy that wasn't worth your time. You'll know that God has something better for you.  Let me remind you God is Love and he's not a God of confusion. So the next time, you're tempted to answer calls or text messages from someone that doesn't have your best interest at heart, think about that. Trust and believe it will save you  plenty of headaches. God wants you to be at peace not lingering around in hurt. If you don't overcome, that wound will never heal leaving you scarred with bitterness, scaring off blessings. If you're someone reading this and doesn't truly realize what love is, I encourage you to read my post, "Love Is..." here. Furthermore, I pray you have the strength to move past your hurt. Brighter days are ahead for you. God already has your story written. You only need to let go...of the past.

"He said to her, "Daughter, your faith has healed you. Go in peace and be freed from your suffering."~Mark 5:34


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