Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Unplug: His Time Starts Now

There are so many of you right now that never cease to unplug from your daily lives to have
quality time with the Lord. You're constantly plugged into phones, caught up in work, that you may neglect the most important part of life-your salvation.

It may not be be a big deal. Yes, you've said your prayers last night and even did so before you hopped out of bed to take on the day. But is that enough? Is that all the time your Savior deserves from you. Absolutely not. He deserves more than you imagine. He deserves a daily moment of quiet time from you. He deserves for you to work your schedule around him. Not working him around your schedule.

Lets be honest, the first thing you reach for in the morning is your phone. When in actually the first thing you should be reaching for is God's word. I usually keep some of my favorite devotionals and a notepad in my bin near my bed, as I'm wanting him to give me strength before I begin the day. The most important thing is since I know I'm a person that stays up late into the night I utilize that as my quiet time with the Lord-praying, reading, listening to music that lifts my soul. Anything that gets me closer to him. And it in times, when I don't forget, I set my phone to DO NOT DISTURB. Since we're usually people of distractions, I see that as very important. You can obviously see that aspect in church. People with their phones whether texting or playing games. Church is the last place our phones should be getting attention. Afterall, didn't you enter into those doors to receive a new word?

Back to your quiet time. The key is to unplug. Unplug from the phone and anything online. Some of you may say, "Oh wait, I need to reference something I found in the bible while studying, so I need to look it up on my phone or laptop." The answer to that is invest in a study bible and a bible dictionary. You're probably thinking that's too much. Do I really need all of that? And your answer to that is yes. I've learned over time, especially in the last year how important a study bible can be. Also, don't forget your notepad or journal. I have one to use for bible study at church and a notebook I use for studying at home. Trust me it helps to write down the things you're studying.

Above anything, that I've mentioned the first thing to do is pray. Pray for wisdom and understanding as you read God's word. Ask him for guidance. I'm sure he will show you the way as you turn those pages seeking him. Ask him to never let your flesh wander, only your spirit. Again this goes back to unplugging from the outside world. As Psalm 46:10 tells us, “Be still, and know that I am God.”

Be still and listen for what he has for you. I promise he reveals amazing things.


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