Thursday, January 22, 2015

Our Virtues Series: Growing Up As a Preacher's Kid, Interview with Brittany Rudolph

I'm so excited to introduce this young lady that is not only a true woman of God but also my friend since middle school. She's Brittany Rudolph and she was born and raised in Atmore, Al. Growing up in Atmore, Brittany was involved in pageants and cheerleading. But most importantly she was a child in training of fully receiving God's word from her grandmother and parents. This is her story of evolving into the woman she is today and how she dealt with being a preacher's kid. 

Tell readers about your background? How did you grow up? 

I grew up in the House of God Church- Keith Dominion, Inc. I spent the majority of my early years with my grandmother who was an intercessory prayer warrior and saved for over 60 years. My mother is a licensed Prophetess. Holiness was always right in our household. My grandmother instilled in me, “Everything you do for God...Let it be real.”  During my early teenage years we joined Deliverance Ministries of Jesus Christ Inc. I was extremely active in the church. It was my life. At the time I was living with my God-Parents, whom would later adopt me. Dad is a Bishop and Mom is a First Lady and Evangelist. They both have Doctorate degrees in Divinity. I remember spending my weekends ministering and witnessing to individuals. I remember being at the church every evening after school doing something. Choir Rehearsal, Praise Dance, Praise Team, Bible Study was my extracurricular activities besides cheerleading. Church was all I knew. As you can see there was a seed and a mantle over my life from the anointing I was around my entire life. But the pressure of being a PK (Preacher’s Kid) was heavy.

How was your experience accepting Christ for the first time?

Christ has been my life since I was a child. I grew up during a time when you had to tarry for the Holy Ghost with the evidence of speaking in tongues. We would  spend a week seeking God on our face crying out to him. Then the church mothers would tell you, “Baby, you got it.” LOL! But as times progressed we have come to realize that we don’t have to do all of that to accept Jesus Christ into our hearts. It was just the way it was back then. It was what their parents taught them. When I left for college I had a mind to live right for Jesus and do what I was supposed to do as his servant and maintain my daily life at school. However, there was a different path I would be introduced to. I was introduced to sex, drugs, drinking, and partying within one month of school during my freshman year of college. I wasn’t exposed to this activity back home. I was always busy doing the Lord’s work. I never really desired to do anything that was not pleasing in his sight. I had my parents that believed that “As for me and my house we will serve the Lord.” You never really had a choice but to serve him. Also, I always took my parents reputation into consideration. I never wanted to bring harm to them and their ministry in any capacity. 

But without my parental influence and guidance at school; I went wild. I was not thinking about living for God whole heartedly. I sang in the college choir and “attended” church on Sunday’s out of routine. But I was not in relationship with God. I got pregnant during my junior year of college. I was embarrassed and ashamed. I felt as if I had failed God and my family. I contemplated abortion. I decided not to go that route. I was at a low point in my life. But the word that was instilled in me over my entire life begin to minister to my broken spirit. I remember saying to God… “How dare I contemplate abortion when I made the choice to participate in sin.” I picked up my cross and begin to bear it. I went on and birthed my wonderful and anointed son, Christian Bernard. I didn’t cover my sin up. I took responsibility for my actions. 

My parents and family was very supportive of my decision. They all allowed me to go back to college and finish my degree.After the birth of my son there was several spirits that tried to attack me. The spirit of depression, low self-esteem, and suicide. The devil tried to take me out because I decided to take a STAND. It was tough! But I made it. All of this led up to me dedicating my life back to the Lord. Jeremiah 3: 14 states, “Turn, O backsliding children,’ saith the Lord, ‘for I am married unto you; and I will take you, one from a city and two from a family, and I will bring you to Zion. I remember driving in Auburn, AL one Sunday morning and I was late for the normal church I had been attending. I got to services and church was over. I was upset because I needed to be in church. As I was driving home the Holy Spirit spoke to me and told me to look to my left and I did and there was a white church on top of the hill. I immediately pulled up to the church. I walked in and I’ve been attending since. God had to take me back to my roots and my foundation which is HOLINESS. I gave my life fully to Christ at this church. Church of God by Faith helped save my life. The members embraced me with love, support, and teaching. I decided from that day forward to live my life totally pleasing unto the LORD!  I serve in my local, district, and national body. God has brought me from a mighty long way!

What has been the toughest of your trials since accepting Christ?

The toughest trails have been dealing with the opinion of people. People always try to cast judgment on me because I have a son and I chose to be a single parent. Sure I want to be married one day but I want to be married to someone that not only love me unconditionally but my son as well.  I believe in being transparent in my ministry. I believe that my testimony will save another young lady  from making similar mistakes. I pray daily to God and ask him to deliver me from the opinion of men.

If you could tell a young lady struggling with school or relationships one thing concerning overcoming, what would that be?

I would first share my testimony. Then I would share with them two scriptures that got me through the rough times in school and in past relationships. Proverbs 18:21: Death and life are in the power of the tongue: and they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof. You have the ability to speak life into any situation. The bible also states in Proverbs 23:7, “That as a man thinks in his heart, so is he.”  What you believe in your heart will be so. So think positive thoughts and speak positive things and it will come to pass.

 How are you shining God's light for other young women to see?

I am very active in my church body on the local, district, and national level. I speak at different programs. I lead several programs. I am active in my local community as well. I am always in a setting in which I have the opportunity to minister. I love ministering to teenagers. Because I feel like I can catch them before they go too far. I also believe that how I carry myself is very important. I make sure that I’m always respectful of my elders, respectful to others, kind to everyone, and dress like a young lady should. I am very transparent about my past and try to share my testimony and God’s goodness as much as I can. Most importantly, I am a servant. I operate in the spirit of humility. Titles, fortune, or fame doesn’t matter to me because I am simply a servant first.

There's so much negativity that young women are seeing on television and via social media, allowing them to think its "ok" to follow the crowd. What would you tell these ladies about being a woman that's set apart in Christ instead?

I would let them know that God is the only person you should be concerned about following. LOL! In all seriousness, I would encourage them by letting them know that being set apart is an honor. I remember so many times in my life where I didn’t understand why I couldn’t be or have what others may have. But God was letting me know then I have called you out to be set apart and to be created in my image and likeness. It’s not about Brittany but it’s all about him. I look back to people that I went to school with over the span of my educational track and I see them doing the same thing they were doing back then. Trying to remain relevant but honestly time has passed them by. I said all of that to say that it’s ok to be different. Because I chose to be set apart I am successful today. I have a B.S. degree in History from one the top historically black colleges in the nation, I am close to finishing my Masters in Education, I work for the State of Alabama and most importantly I’m successful in ministry. I am at this place because I have a servant’s heart and I esteem others over myself and I give God my time (meditating, reading his word, & applying it to my life) and undivided attention.

What is your definition of the virtuous woman? What does she look like? And how have you molded yourself into that woman?

Virtuous is defined as having or showing high moral standards. A selfless woman. A woman of sacrifice. A giving woman. Love, grace, and humility are her  garments. She’s a beautiful woman on the inside because she carry all of these traits and it shines through her which in turn make her outside appearance beauty. She knows the fear of the Lord rises above all things.

I have molded myself into a virtuous woman in several ways. My faith is the number one thing that I uphold. I serve God with everything that I have. I give him my all. Being a good mother is the second area in which I am passionate about. I instill in my son the ways of the Lord. I see it in him as he is growing up. I believe in eating healthy as well and making sure that my son does as well. I am a humble servant. I believe in serving God, family, and friends. Putting myself last. I believe in giving my finances to up build the kingdom in any capacity and being mindful of how I spend. I make sure that I spend my time wisely. I’m not married yet as she was but during my time of singleness I devote myself to the Lord. I am married to the Lord. I treat him as I would an earthly husband. Lastly, I know my worth and I know that I am beautiful on the inside and it shines through on the outside. 

1 comment:

  1. So encouraging! This is so needed to be said so that our generation knows that they aren't alone. Bravo sis! Your perseverance is enduring!
