Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Our Virtues Series: The Positive Controversy, Interview with Kristen Pope

She's what I aspire to be-An award-winning journalist! More importantly she's a woman of God influencing women with her organization, "The King's Daughters." She's also not afraid of the truth with her webshow, "The Positive Controversy." I'm excited to introduce to you Kristen Pope, a woman I believe is a great mentor for our generation of women. This is her story of patience, persistence, and self-worth.

Tell readers about your background. 

I'm a Midwest born and bred girl! By six years old, I lived in Indiana, Ohio and Illinois. Nope, not a military kid. My Dad's job moved us around a lot! In 1988, we settled in the south suburbs of Chicago for 10 years and that's where I spent most of my childhood. Midway through high school, my Dad's job transferred my family to Atlanta, Georgia. That move was tough, since we had roots in Illinois, but it turned out to be a great growth spurt in my maturity and exposure. I finished high school in Atlanta and in my senior year, yep, it happened again. My Dad's job transferred my family. lol! Seriously, we're not a military family. This time, to Miami, Florida, and different about all the other moves, I didn't go with them. Not permanently anyway. I spent some of the summer in Miami and then headed to Virginia to start college at Hampton University. It's true what they say, college is some of the best years of your life and they went by too fast! I made so many great memories and lifelong friends.

I started as a Marketing major and half way through my studies realized, it wasn't my passion. After some deep soul searching and help from my mom, I changed my major to Broadcast Journalism. Best decision I ever made! I've loved telling and writing stories since I was a little girl. Journalism stretched and challenged me and still does. Immediately after graduation, I moved to the only place I wanted to live after college: New York City. Although, I was in my dream city, I wouldn't get into my dream job for some years to come. In the midst of making it to my dream job, I met my dream man, who is now my husband. We started courting five days after we met, got engaged after six and half months, and wed after our one year engagement. We've been married for four years! Today, I work as a reporter at News 12 Westchester in Yonkers, New York. I love my job! Everyday is a new experience. I get a different assignment everyday, venture into the community to collect my elements and then tell a new story! 

 What has been one of the hardest trials to endure in your walk with Christ? How did you keep the faith and overcome?

Staying in hope that I would work in my dream job after years of hearing "no." That's been one of my hardest tests of faith. I kept pressing, but I also continued to seek God. He gave me the gift, the skill and the desire. I knew He would fulfill it when it was time. Quitting or giving up wasn't an option. I knew if I did, I would never see it come to pass. 

What is your most rewarding experience that God has blessed you with as a journalist?

Telling stories of people who otherwise would go voiceless. At my station in Texas, I told the story of refugee students who were struggling to pass state exams. With minimal English, they were required to pass these tests. Most had come from war torn countries, and knew four and five languages, but needed a little more time to master English. The order was really unfair. Telling their story and having their state representatives support the plea for more flexible standards, was confirmation of the power of journalism and media. When used properly, it can help change people's lives positively. 

What do you think is the most challenging thing for young ladies today? How can they overcome to be a truly set apart woman of God?

 Knowing their value. There are so many conflicting messages coming from all directions telling young women that they should look and think like the images on tv and social media. Women must find their value in the eternal, in God's love. It's sounds cliche, but all of this that we can see is really temporary. It won't last. God is everlasting and when we seek Him, we find ourselves. 

Tell us  about your web show "The Positive Controversy." I watched it and loved it!

Thanks for watching! I love it too! :) When I was preparing to move back to New York, after spending a year in Texas reporting, God told me to create a webshow. So in January 2014, I shot my first episode about diversity in fashion. It was supposed to only be a pilot episode, but it ended up becoming a pilot series with six episodes! We debuted the series in April 2014 and wrapped in July. The show focuses on social and cultural issues that don't get enough exposure. I enjoy a good healthy debate that opens up dialogue about tough issues people want to talk about, but often times are afraid to bring up. We had some wonderful open doors and favor in our very first season including being an official selection at the New York Ocktober Film Festival and recently signing a distribution license agreement for a couple of our episodes to air on network tv! We're preparing to shoot our second season very soon! 

You're also the founder of The King's Daughters. Tell us  about this organization and why it was placed on your heart to start it.

The King's Daughters is my heart. After a severe heartbreak with a guy I was dating, God laid it on my heart to be abstinent and date him only. I spent the next two years seeking God, allowing Him to heal my heart and reaffirm my value. My confidence was non-existent. I believed all of the mess this guy said to me. I allowed him to treat me less than my worth. I'm passionate about women knowing their value and not seeking it in the men or anywhere else but Him. That's when The King's Daughters was born. It started as a way to encourage women to save sex for marriage and has evolved into a place to find their value in Christ. If you know your value, you'll honor your temple. 

 Many young women feel pressured into ungodly relationships. As a married woman, what would you tell these ladies about the importance of waiting for the man God has for them?

The person you marry is probably the second most important decision you will ever make. The first, being a relationship with Jesus Christ. Every man I dated before my husband, even the "Christian" men had sex with me. My husband was the only one who agreed to abstinence before marriage. I had a standard and he honored and respected it and even raised my standards. The person you get in a relationship with will either lower your standards or help you raise them. It starts at the beginning. When you get into a relationship be intentional about where you're headed. Relationships should have purpose and ultimately line up with God's purpose for your life.

What has been the most important thing you've learned from marriage so far?

That's it's so much bigger than me. Your marriage refines you both. It has healing power for you and others. It creates generational legacy. It's the greatest partnership you could ever enter into outside of life with Christ. It's your first ministry!

 How can readers connect with you? 

I'm a social butterfly! Connect with me at KristenLPope.com - Grab a #PositiveControversy mug or t-shirt while you're there! | Facebook.com/KristenLPopeTV | @KristenLPopeTV (IG & Twitter) also, Facebook.com/TheKingsDaughters | YouTube.com/KristenLPopeTV -- watch the show and share your feedback!


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