Wednesday, February 25, 2015

You Are Loved...

Looking at the generation that’s coming up, I see young women giving
themselves (physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually) just to feel love.

I see young women trying to fit in with what the crowd is doing, not understand that you are to be pursued, not understanding their true worth. True love (unconditional love) is found only in Jesus Christ. I have been there and I’m still learning.

I have been the lonely woman trying to find love in all the wrong places. Trying to find a man to validate me not realizing that Jesus Christ validated me when he died for my sins. I've been the woman who gave myself (physically) to find love when in reality it left me empty. That moment of pleasure left me with a lot of hurt, consequences, and disgust.

We have to be careful to not give ourselves away to everyone we come in contact with. Sex is one of the most overrated things that is place in front of our faces everywhere. We can’t escape sex. God gives everyone the desire to have sex but he wants it under the covenant of marriage between man and woman. The reason why sex can be dangerous if not done in marriage, is because when you have sex, you release a hormone called oxytocin (a bonding hormone) which connects you intimately with the person you have sex with. This is how people who are having premarital sex can’t seem to let people go that they know are not supposed to be with.

I’m here to encourage you to seek God, give him your entire heart, your life and watch him move in a mighty way. Also surround yourself with people who are living for God, join ministries that are honoring Christ. Beautiful, you are loved, you are a daughter of the most high, you are a gem and when you accept Christ as your Lord and Savior, He looks at you as if you never sinned. Romans 5:8 says, “But God shows his love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.”

I hope this has blesses someone as much as it has blessed me writing it.~Latisha

Here’s a list of ministries to get involved in on your journey with Christ:

Pinky Promise: (Thousands of groups worldwide)

Saved in the City (Can be found on Instagram)
Life Groups in Huntsville, Atlanta, Nashville, and Washington D.C.


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