Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Patience is a Virtue

A while back I watched Thor for the first time (yes I’m a fan of
Marvel) the movie was pretty good. It was the beginning of Thor’s story it showed where he’d come from. Thor was the heir to his father’s throne, in the beginning he was a short tempered hothead who thought that he knew everything. He figured that his father’s tactics on running a kingdom were old and outdated so he took matters into his own hands on an issue that his father had told him that he would handle. Needless to say when he stepped outside of his fathers will things turned ugly really quick and his father had to come to the rescue. Thor was immediately brought back to his planet and punished. To make a long story short he was stripped of his power and banished to earth. He was not able to receive his power back until he had proved himself mature enough and worthy of such power.

That movie got me to thinking, we as children of God are a lot like the character of Thor at times. We grow impatient thinking that maybe God doesn’t know what He is doing and that maybe He could use a little help. Maybe He forgot what He promised, so we decide that we will go ahead and make things happen. But Isaiah 40:31 tells us: "But they who wait for the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles; they shall run and not be weary; they shall walk and not faint."
If you wait on the Lord He will do what he said He was going to do and you won’t burn yourself out trying to play God, usually making matters worse. Whenever God is making us wait it is a time of preparation. 2 Peter 3:9 says, "The Lord is not slow to fulfill his promise as some count slowness, but is patient toward you, not wishing that any should perish, but that all should reach repentance." He wants to be sure that we are ready and mature enough to handle all that He is about to give and ready to go where He is about to take you.

In your season of waiting, regardless of what you’re waiting on it could be for a new home, a new job, to get married, to have a child, whatever it may be now is the time to draw closer to Him see what He wants you to do. Listen for His voice, He is always speaking. Draw closer to Him and He will draw closer to you (James 4:8)

Listen out for Him because He is seeking to prepare you. Allow Him to prepare your mind for that new job, to prepare you to be a righteous wife for that righteous husband you are seeking, allow Him to mold you into a nurturer so that you are prepared for your first child. Remember He is on your side and He loves you!


Think back and reflect on the times we felt the need to "help" God.

How did the situation turn out? Did you end up worse off than when you started out?

What will you do differently in your season of waiting?

Dear Lord please help me not to be anxious in my time of waiting. Help me to remove my emotions out of the equation for I know that the seasons, months, days, hours, minutes, and seconds belongs to you. Time is in your hands and it is not in my own time but in yours. Help me to focus on you and to draw closer to you. Remove the distractions and the voices of man telling me that if it was going to happen it would have happened by now, out of the way. Help me to lean to wait for your voice before I proceed in any aspect of my life. Amen.

About the Author: Sheterica Gordon is a daughter, sister, aunt, poet, writer, and the CEO of the P.R.E.T.T.Y (Princesses Radically Evolving Together Through Yahweh) an outreach ministry. The desire to start a ministry to help, uplift, and edify young women was placed in her heart 2 years ago and it wasn't until June 14, 2014 that she took that giant leap of faith and held the first meeting for P.R.E.T.T.Y. Sheterica is extremely excited about this ministry and where it will go in the years to come. Not only because she has some amazing people in her corner but because our Father in heaven, Jesus Christ is at the head leading the way. Connect with Shaterica for more encouragement on Instagram as @Pretty_Princesses_14, on Facebook as Pretty61414, or email her at 











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