The difference between a believer and a nonbeliever can be seen the most when trails arise. In each of our lives we have different seasons. The purpose and result of the season is determined by our actions, which stem from our thoughts. as a person who has not met Christ, in a season of process they may persevere but the perseverance was built on sand. Its unstable.
What is to say for the next time you are faced with such trails you will endure? As a believer the Holy Spirit guides and teaches you what God wants you to learn in whichever season you may find yourself in.
You must know that during this process the LORD will remove behaviors, thoughts, habits, actions and so on that do not bring glory to him. You may lose your friends and or support system just so he can show you that his grace is sufficient. To show you that Jesus is truly your everything. It is in these moments where we must choose to intentionally live for God.
Even though you do not know where you future will take you but trust and hope in the one who planned your future before you were in your mother's womb (Psalms139). After all, he is the one who put you in this season.
What has helped me in these times has been constant prayer reading God's word and asking him to teach me what it is he wants me to learn. How will this process make me more into the image of his son Jesus Christ? He answers.
Rest in knowing what his word says in Romans 8:28 " And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose."
Because he is faithful, he will not subject you to a season of process that he does not have the answers to.

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