We've all been there, wondering when God would send your Adam to you.Wondering how you'll know its him. You're leaning on to your own understanding entertaining any young man or boy that comes your way. You're trying to mold these men into something you're praying for your. Sisters I want you to realize you can't change anyone. I've been there and done that and once you truly realize your worth in Christ you'll continually be confused.
Needless, to say, I've realized my worth and I have opted not to settle for less than I deserve and in this season I think of my dad who was such a God fearing man. A few years ago, I told myself that I wouldn't entertain any man that didn't have the heart of my father that loves God and is a fearless leader. I don't have time to twist and transform any man to meet my standards but I do have time to be patient for the man God has prepared for me.
One of the things many of you are hoping for at the moment is "Where is he?" Or there any good God fearing men left? To answer your question, if its in God's will, he exists for you and yes I'm sure there are plenty left. Your job is to focus on Christ and become Ruth before you hope for Boaz.
"But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well."~Matt.6:33
So ladies, God is waiting on you to be patient and focus solely on him. In your season of waiting I would encourage to not pray for a husband but instead pray for your future husband. I hope you see the difference.
Pray that this man....
Continues to grow spiritually.
Has the ability to hear God's voice.
Be healed from all emotional wounds.
Be healed from any harmful addictions.
Be a fearless leader for your future home.
Progresses in his career, realizing and fulfilling the calling God has on his life.
Grows as a responsible steward financially for the Lord.
Isn't distracted from things of this world, that take away from his preparation.
...and lastly pray that this man loves you as Christ loves the church. Many wonder what love truly is and I will firmly say God is Love. Until you or a man doesn't realize your worth or truly understand the love God has for you than you won't understand love. Continue to be blessed ladies and if there are any prayers you have for your future husband, comment below.
Stay encouraged!~Danielle
I pray that my future husband will be a spiritual leader in our home. A man of intelligence, courage, conviction, commitment, compassion, and character. A man who can be both steel and velvet. A man with a vision, who makes short and long term future plans. The one who can be a man’s man and at the same time be gentle, tender, and approachable. The type of man who will take the initiative in cultivating a spiritual environment for the family. He will be a capable and competent student of the Word of God, and will live out a life founded on the Word of God and seek to continually grow spiritually. He’ll continually encourage and enable me to continue being a woman of God, to become more like Jesus, and fulfill my purpose in Christ. He will take the lead in training our children and community in the things of the Lord. A man who will love me as Christ loved the church, who will treat me like a queen and allow me to treat him like a king. A man who will inspire me and our children. A non-judgmental man, who won't be afraid to admit his mistakes, humble himself, praise and worship the Lord in spirit and in truth. A man with a humble, charitable and thankful heart who will practice what he teaches. ����