This app would be available on your smartphones and other favorite devices. My vision for it is to be encouraged in the palm of your hand with encouraging alerts, your favorite articles, podcasts and more resources contributing to your daily walk in Christ.
I've already started saving towards this goal. However your help would be amazing as I strive towards expanding Memoirs of a Virtuous Woman. If you are led to sowing into this ministry, it would greatly be appreciated. More importantly your prayers are FIRST. Pray for me as I continue to seek God on this journey as a leader for this site.
If you desire to donate towards this journey, in securing an app just for you, simply visit the organized GoFund Me page at the following link: www.gofundme.com/memoirs or visit the "Donate" section right here at Memoirs of a Virtuous Woman's site.
But once again, pray for me, other readers, and the contributors of this site.
I encourage you to support all sisters. Lift each other up. Make each other smile. Tell each other about Christ's amazing love and plan for our lives.
Love and blessings,

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