“Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with your might." Ecc. 9:10 (NIV)
"Whatever you do work at it with all of your heart, as working for the Lord and not for man." Col. 3:23 (NIV)

It has taken a long time to reach and conclude the truth from God’s word for excellence is not a calling of perfection. God’s calling to “work at it with all of your heart, as working for the Lord” (Col 3:23) isn’t a calling to be the best of the best, but to give our best. That at the end of everyday ‘my best’ is what God wanted from me. Nothing more, nothing left, because that isn’t what He needs, but what He wants. A heart of obedience.
God’s word is filled with great men and women who are examples of faith because they were ordinary and obedient people who God did his extraordinary work through. The Hall of faith (Heb. 11), makes mention of so many of these men; Abraham’s faith and obedience was counted to Him as righteousness simply because he gave what he had to God; in word and in deed. Moses was not the best of all speakers, but yet God called Him to speak for a nation, HIS nation. Noah an ordinary man, through His obedience did as God called him to build an ark the best he could with God’s command. It is not because these men sought to be the best of the best, or perfect in anyway, but simply because they answered the calling, trusted God, and gave to Him what they had. It is hopeful to know that with an obedient response and a trusting heart God can turn us into so much more.
These testimonies of men and women in the Old Testament are proof of the wonderful and amazing work God can do in us that “no mind has imagined for those who love Him” (1 Cor. 2:9). This is God seeing into who we all are and what we are all capable of and saying, ‘I want that, I want you. Come as you are and follow me.’ That is all He has ever wanted and all He has ever asked. In this we can find rest, because with each passing day and every new responsibility all we need to do is “be still and know, that I am God.” End of story.
But what if it isn’t enough? No such thing. God still has us in His hands and will guide us through. His Spirit can work through us with a power, not our own. In our weakness He is made strong (2 Cor. 12:9). That is a promise from the inerrant word of God, what more can we do but rejoice!
Taking this step of rejoicing also requires us to 'let go, and let God' have each day with all of our responsibilities, our worries, our cares, our jobs, our marriages, and our future to God. With his help, we are able to rest in his peace, knowing our best is good enough for the Lord.
In Proverbs, the Proverbs thirty-one women laughs at her future for she knows that the Lord holds on to it (‘she can laugh at the days to come’ Prov. 31: 25), and so we can do the same. When we trust in God and know He is God we find God working through us in every nook and cranny of our day. We no longer have to be the best because it isn't about our will, but God's and if it is enough for the King of kings and Lord of Lords, then we should find rest and peace in His assurance.
God’s expectations for us are not unreachable, nor are they unrealistic. In God’s word he proclaims to men and women the grace and mercy to fail; to be un-perfect so that His perfection would be shown even greater as it shined through such un-perfected beings ('But He said to me, "My grace is sufficient for you, my strength is made perfect in your weakness"' 2 Cor. 12:9) . Have peace and confidence in your best is in God's hand because His grace is sufficient for us.
About the Author: Bethany Webster is a Christian school teacher. Her heart desires to always be encouraging to others in the Lord and to grow in His word. Whatever she learns from God, she desires to share with those around her. Bethany hopes her writings can be of an encouragement in some way.
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