I find a lot of truth in those words as a Christian. Whether they are your friend, family member, or a stranger of random conversation in the aisles of a store. They are watching you. They are reading you, even if they aren't turning the pages of the bible. I write this as so many are fueled in debate about same-sex marriage. If I subtract same-sex marriage out of the equation there are so many other reasons why I write this-all pointing to the fact that many of our friends aren't born-again Christians and time, well time is winding down as we see what is happening around us. So, how do we get those that we love to follow the narrow path? How do we get them to be willing to be born-again in baptism? First of all, we should PRAY for their souls. Not attack them. Lets be clear, none of us are perfect, none but the Father in heaven.
Pray that they are no longer led in blindness, "In their case the god of this world has blinded the minds of the unbeliever, to keep them from seeing the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ, who is the image of God."~2 Corinthians 4:4.
While praying for others, ask God to give you wisdom, of how to speak the truth in love. Again, not attack. When attacking or simply speaking the truth in love you may get hit with the, "Don't Judge" mentality from others. (Especially if you're attacking) But if you're simply speaking the truth in love, don't get discouraged, you've done nothing wrong. Hence, "Instead, speaking the truth in love, we will grow to become in every respect the mature body of him who is the head, that is, Christ."~ Ephesians 4:15
Be a light to your friends. Actions speak louder than words. Some people hear "I will pray for you" so much. Don't just say those words do it! And show them with your actions that you care. More than likely your friends are being fed by the world in so many ways. A simple text or email with spiritual food, could make a difference.
Never hesitate to invite someone to a church service or bible study. Don't point your finger saying, "You need to go to church!" Speak in LOVE. Simply in your conversations, kindly invite them to join you as you would to any other event.
Share your testimony. Trust me, they will be enlightened! Knowing the amazing things God Almighty has done in your life. Share certain parts of your Christian walk that your friend wouldn't normally ask about. What Christian material, you're currently reading...listening to..watching. Suggest those interests to them. The smallest things could make a big difference.
"Therefore do not be ashamed of the testimony about our Lord, nor of me his prisoner, but share in suffering for the gospel by the power of God."~2 Timothy 1:8
Be a listener to your unsaved friend. Listening with no distractions. Get your phones out of the way for quiet time together.
Be patient and calm with them.

Again, simply state the truth in love. You're probably tired of seeing that line but seriously! Our job as Christians is to effectively minister God's word. Spread the good news that we've received. Your friend, will hopefully meditate on his word and receive it or they may choose to reject it. Either way, continue to be a light in their lives and to the rest of the world.
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