Your situation right now may not look like the plans and prophecies God has spoken regarding you. But don't worry, don't be afraid, God is your exceedingly great reward.
Abraham did not have a child, and God said He will bless Him and give Him many descendants,but Abraham didn't have a child to pass his inheritance on to.God brought Abraham to Canaan and said To Him; He would inherit the Land. But Abraham didn’t know how. His situation was opposite of what God had planned for Him.God has said something about your situation, you will succeed,you will be rich, you will own the Land.
But right now you may be the opposite of what has been said. Is there anything too hard for the Lord? No there isn't. Sarah was passed childbearing age. But she had Isaac. You may not understand how and when and think its too late. But there is nothing too hard for the Lord. Time is in God's hand, and when God says He will do it , no matter how your situation may look He has all power in His hands and will turn it around.
Genesis 5:1 says, "After these things the word of the Lord came unto Abram in a vision, saying, Fear not, Abram: I am thy shield, and thy exceeding great reward.
God is telling us not to worry, because He will be our rewarder. He created everything so what can God not do. The examiners marking your work He created, the people interviewing you He created, the judge in the court room He created.
Psalm 24:1, tells us, "The earth is the LORD's, and everything in it, the world, and all who live in it."
Don't worry. The first thing we must do is believe every word God says. The first thing Abraham did after God gave His promise is that He believed in the Lord and accounted it to Him for righteousness. Genesis (16:6)We should seek God's face and live according to His word and be obedient to His word. God changed Abram’s name to Abraham and Sarai's name to Sarah. Abram means exalted father, but Abraham means father of many. Sarai means princess but Sarah means mother of nations. God changed their names to be in alignment with the promises He had for them.
Your name is your identity.What are you calling yourself?
God wants His children to identify ourselves according to who He says we are and His promises, to be in alignment with the promise. God wants us to stop speaking negative about ourselves, stop putting our selves down, stop comparing ourselves with others. God changed Sarai’s name to Sarah before releasing Her blessing. We need to change every negative way we see ourselves, every negative name we give to ourselves, and cancel out every negative thing people say to put us down. Change your what you are calling yourself, you are not ugly: you are fearfully and wonderfully made, you are not a looser: you are the head and not the tail, you are not a failure; you are more than a conqueror. You are not intimidated; you can do all things through christ who strengthens you. Start confessing the word of God over your life. Before your blessings come, keep confessing who God says you are and your blessing over your life. Start aligning God's word over your life. Because however it looks like now, thats not how you are going to finish. God is your creator and if He says He will reward you nothing can stop God.
The moment we start believing what God says about ourselves is the moment we start becoming our best. Don't name yourself according to your past, the fact that you failed before doesn't mean you are a a failure. Pick yourself back up, tell God everything and pick up His truth about your life. and walk with it. Don't pick the old negative labels again.
God created you and knows you.

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