Jacob left His father Isaac's house to run from His brother Esau who wanted to kill him, as a result of taking His blessings,
and also to find His wife in His mothers hometown. But on His way there he had nowhere to sleep and found a certain place and laid there with His head on a stone. God spoke to Jacob and told Him about the promises and inheritance he would bless Him with.
The place where Jacob laid his head was a certain place(an unknown place to Him). Jacob did not have a house there, it was just a stone he laid His head on and slept. In the unknown place, all alone that's where God spoke to Him.
The fact that where you are right now is an unstable place, abusive home, doesn't mean God is not there.You may be at an unknown place, a certain place where everything does not add up. But God is right there. God is with you. Its not the place where everything looks intact, its the place that is not in order. Understand that God is there to put it in order. Because there is nothing there to be seen with your eyes, doesn't mean God is not there.
Through the deserted place in the deserted looking situation, that's where God is releasing His promise and blessings. So you will remember where you were before the blessing. So Glory will belong to God. God is close to the broken hearted. He is right there where you are. God is releasing His blessing in the confused situation. But are our eyes on the situation or on God? Because if we focus on the situation we miss God.
Its not when Jacob was in His father's house surrounded with his family and friends that God spoke. He spoke when Jacob was all alone in an unknown place without even a roof over his head. Without a pillow to lay his head on. God is speaking please lets make time and listen. You may feel you are alone, but believe and understand and know that Almighty God has His eyes on you.
There have been times in my life where I felt like no one was around. Then I went down on my knees and prayed and thats the time I started to hear God and He revealed to me and assured me that everything is gonna be ok.And everything happened as He revealed to me. So when you feel like you are alone, know that you are not. Spend time seeking His face. God is always by your side, you are never alone.

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